Useful windows software

 This page will list useful windows software. I will update it periodically.

The items listed below are in no particular order of preference. They are identified as item title / purpose.

Abex PowerPoint to Word - converts PPTX to DOCX

APFS for Windows by Paragon Software - lets you read apple APFS drives

Paragon hfs+ for windows - lets you read apple HFS+ drives

Affinity Designer - alternative to Adobe Illustrator

Affinity Photo and Gimp - alternatives to Adobe Photoshop (Gimp is free)

Cygwin - a mini linux command line for windows. I will post a separate post about how to make it default to your home directory (c:\users\myname\) because it doesn't default there.

Deltacopy - rsync, to copy differences between two folders

Greenshot - more flexible screenshots, lets you automatically save-as

iCloud - to link your PC to iCloud

Inkscape - free alternative to Adobe Illustrator

Notepad++ - a good text editor

PdfTk - to manipulate PDFs

SmarTTY - a good SSH client

Telegram and Whatsapp desktop clients

WinSCP - an SCP client (to copy files over SSH)

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